C'est par un communiqué de presse et, à la surprise générale, que la
WWE annnonce la fin de la diffusion de SMACKDOWN... sur les ondes de CW
A ce jour, aucune information n'a filtré quant au nouveau partenaire qui accueillera le second show majeur de la Compagnie, bien que l'hypothèse du Live pourrait être proposée afin de faire monter les enchères !
After a successful decade of "SmackDown" on both UPN and The CW, World Wrestling Entertainment and The CW have agreed to conclude our partnership. Since The CW's exclusive negotiation period ran out as of last Thursday, January 31, we have been contacted and have been in negotiations with other networks. "WWE SmackDown" will continue to air on The CW until the conclusion of the 2007-08 broadcast season. We are grateful to Les Moonves, Dawn Ostroff, and their entire organization for bringing "WWE SmackDown" to millions of viewers for so many years.
A ce jour, aucune information n'a filtré quant au nouveau partenaire qui accueillera le second show majeur de la Compagnie, bien que l'hypothèse du Live pourrait être proposée afin de faire monter les enchères !
After a successful decade of "SmackDown" on both UPN and The CW, World Wrestling Entertainment and The CW have agreed to conclude our partnership. Since The CW's exclusive negotiation period ran out as of last Thursday, January 31, we have been contacted and have been in negotiations with other networks. "WWE SmackDown" will continue to air on The CW until the conclusion of the 2007-08 broadcast season. We are grateful to Les Moonves, Dawn Ostroff, and their entire organization for bringing "WWE SmackDown" to millions of viewers for so many years.